Finding Confidence
wearing whatever TF I want 👏whenever TF I want 👏
used to see cute outfits on instagram + pinterest but was too afraid what other people would think if I wore an outfit like “that” 😳
the amount of time I wasted worrying about what other people MIGHT be thinking was exactly that, a waste.
do I give zero f’s about what other people think of me? absolutely not! still think about it often, still have to shut those thoughts down, still have to be my own hype woman 🙌
some reminders that help:
- no one is thinking about you more than they are thinking about themselves
- if you don’t know them, why do you care what they think?
- if you do know them and they judge, then they aren’t needed in your life✌️
being me + wearing those outfits this year. who’s with me? 🖤